Payment Policy & Insurance

Payment Policy & Insurance

Welcome to Vermont Restorative Dentistry.  We are so pleased that you have chosen our office for your dental needs.  This practice is a general dental office that also offers reconstructive dentistry; fixed, removable and implant restorations.  We also offer professional hygiene therapy for post treatment maintenance and follow-up.  
If you provide your dental insurance information we will be happy to submit a claim for your reimbursement.  Vermont Restorative Dentistry does not participate with any insurance company and we do expect payment at time of service.  Typically, the initial appointment will be a time where diagnostic information will be gathered and a review of treatment recommendations will be made at a subsequent appointment.  The initial appointment will be about 1 ½ hours in length.
Our office policy concerning broken appointments is that we expect 2 business days’ notice if you find it necessary to cancel or reschedule your appointment.  It is understandable that sickness and scheduling conflicts occur, but we ask that you please understand it is unfair to other patients who are waiting to schedule appointments for broken appointments to become habitual.


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